
Thursday, January 4, 2018

The right to vote/ Week 2

Hello, blogging world. As I said today I am trying to do a lot of blog post in a row and it is gonna be so fun! I am doing the offline activity for this one so it is a little different compared to the website. Today's activity is all about voting. Now recently New Zealand has welcomed their New Primastar Jacinda Ardern! She is in the party labour and she has been running the country Amazingly.  As the years past by New Zealand finally elected their first Minister Richard John Seddon from the Liberal Party. He ran for 13 years (1893 - 1906.) At the time of this only men could vote before a woman named Kate Sheppard made a point that woman should have the ability to vote in the late 1800s. Her hard work finally pulled off when it was accepted on 19th September 1893. Did you know New Zealand was the first country ever to allow every single woman to vote? Crazy right! To be more pacific about the activity we have to think about the fact of why the woman in Saudi Arabia wasn’t allowed to vote until 2015. Is it fair? Why or why not?

I think that is unfair as every human being should be able to vote because what if they didn’t like the prime minister and then they were stuck with them. Everyone is independent and only men get to say “Hey I want to vote this person!” The woman must be so jealous and at times they just want to run away from when they hear voting. Then again I think some men would have cared for their wife and asked “Love, who do you think I should vote for.” Or the country was fine with it and didn’t really care.

Thank you, everybody, for reading this blog post if you would like to see more of my work scroll down. Please feel free to comment anywhere on my blog. I will see you in my next blog post until then... BYE!


  1. Namaste Lily,

    You are absolutely right about it being unfair! I love how you mentioned the fact that everyone should be able to vote and have their say about the place they live in. Perhaps next time you could talk about what it means to have equal rights for all. What do you think it would be like if men weren’t allowed to vote?

    This subject reminds me of when I learned about Kate Sheppard in school. She started a movement to allow women the right to vote and it was granted in 1893 (124 years ago!). I wonder about what might have happened if it didn’t go ahead back then.. Do you think we’d have had three female Prime Ministers?

    Keep up the good work and be safe in this wet weather!

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i,


    1. Hello Cia,

      Thank you for the awesome blog post it was detailed and made me think.

      It is true that I should have done both side of the story as men also have a voice. If men couldn't be able to vote I don't feel they would be as motivated as Kate Sheppard and New Zealand would no longer be the first country to allow every gender to be able to vote.

      It does remind me too of when our school had a visitor and Kate Sheppard was his great, great, great, great, great grandmother so he was a decedent.

      I still think we would have female prime minsters just it would of not as happened as soon. I still feel men would be running parliament as I feel they are more capable and it is traditionalist. Kate Sheppard would still make a stand for that though.

      I wish you the best of luck for 2018.
      Stay stay safe in this big storm,

      Blog you latter,


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