
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Eventful Time/ Week 2

Hello, blogging world, I am back from the holiday and I have a question... WHo wants to see a blog post of me in Waitangi I learnt a lot about the treaty sadly, it was raining so we keep running into a shelter and.. I was the tour guide for my family because I said "Oh, I have been learning about this on the summer learning journey. Anyways I won't tell you anymore comment if you would like to see it (Includes Photos).

AT the end of the 1930s the world had been shaken up from slumber when Germany sent an army to a place called Poland. Two days later France, England, New Zealand and Australia. That is when World War 2 started (WWII). Today's activity is about World War two! We have to name two battles or events from WWII. (As WWII was made out of a lot of battles and Events). We have to include The people that were involved and where the Event happened. Here is the list click here. Here is mine!

30th April: Hitler comment suicide
People that was included, Hitler
Where it happened: Berlin, Germany

7th May 1945: Germany Surrender
People: Germany
Place: Reims, France

Thank you, everybody, for reading this blog post if you would like to see more of my work scroll down. Please feel free to comment anywhere on my blog. I will see you in my next blog post until then... BYE!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily,

    Thank you for sharing some information about the war, you’ve provided some places where key events happened. You’ve written about one key event; how the war started and where, however you need to include some specific names of people involved.. Think about the leader of Germany at the time.. Also, what is your second key event?

    Remember that the activity is asking you to write one summary of two key events, including the people and countries involved. Please edit your post to include these things as I’d love to reward you full points for this activity.

    If you are stuck on how to do this, feel free to ask and I will be happy to help you out. A summary can be one paragraph (around six sentences) so it doesn’t have to be long at all. Perhaps you could talk about the day the war ended..

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i,



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